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UTEP ADP Math and Science Teachers (MaST) Academy

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The lessons under this theme focus on different aspects about viruses. Including a lesson on what viruses are and even analyzing how they can grow exponentially.

The lessons under this theme highlight how cryptography is used to solve mysteries. Students will learn  morse code, and will make their own crytptex that is opened by solving matrices.

The lessons on this section focus on trace evidence left behind at crime scenes and how scientist use that information to find their suspect. Learning about punnet squares, DNA, blood types, fingerprints, and more!!

These lessons focus on the science and math that goes on behind robberies. The students look at it from the perspective of a detective AND as the thief. Looking at how angles, reflections, footprints, and speed play into it.

Camp Examples

Below are some images from the lesson plans in this camp.

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STEM Summer Mysteries

The Univeristy of Texas at El Paso

In partnership with area high school. Brings you two weeks full of fun and mysteries.

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